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Let’s dive into some of the tougher, often unspoken questions surrounding traditional search funds:
How has search evolved over the years?
How does each business school rank each search fund investor?
Why are fewer than 50% of searchers closing deals?
Why are up to 1/3 of searchers fired or forced out?
Is the rate of CEO termination influenced by race or gender?
What paths do CEOs take after their termination?
What is the search fund mafia and why does it matter?
What are some hidden terms during deal closing that a searcher needs to be weary about?
What can search fund investors do to help improve the search fund community?
What will the future of search look like?
Through hundreds of candid interviews, this book will unravel these complex dynamics, offering key insights and shedding light on the often mysterious world of traditional search funds
Search Fund Series

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Coming Soon...

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